A location with a clear view of the sky was necessary for maximum impact of the oculus.

In a place like this one, the viewer is likely already in a contemplative mood, ready to experience some poetry.

View from the top of the sculpture, including the blue oculus.

View from inside the sculpture. From the perspective of someone standing inside of it, the poem begins at the lower left and spirals it's way to the top.

My first sketch established the shape and general scale of the sculpture, but I envisioned the poem being written on a ribbon to be threaded through the bars of the cage.

After the first sketch, I created a quick paper mockup, this time intending for the words of the poem to be a structural element of their own instead of simply written on a ribbon.

My technical drawing, providing the plans for building the mockup. The scale is 1:1 to the size I built it at, but one inch in the sketch represents one foot in the hypothetical "real life" sculpture.

My technical drawings of the top of the sculpture, and how the words of the poem itself would be cut and applied.

Process work of the mockup, using strips of paper to estimate where the text would go.

Close up of in-progress mockup; the text was laser cut from card stock and applied to the frame of the structure with glue; once it was fully dry the whole structure was spray painted white.